ES Design June 2023


War never changes…or does it? Drones playing new roles in Ukraine war

But one use that they have largely underutilised for is in logistics and support. Yet, as any General will tell you, these are the arteries of any army. Forbes has suggested that the Ukraine war has ushered in the ‘age of drone warfare’, and although still in its infancy, will this conflict see the role of drones expand? Drone usage in Ukraine “With the advent of Ukraine, air dominance from 10,000 feet down is now dominated by small drones,” Draganfly CEO Cameron Chell tells Electronic Specifier. Draganfly is a drone company that has been operating for over 20 years. Because of its longevity in the industry, the “War never changes.” These were words uttered by Ulysses Grant, former US President, and military officer. But, since the invasion of Ukraine, we have seen that modern technology means that, if it hasn’t already, this adage may no longer ring as true as it once did.

L eading this change, however, is not some far-flung concept like super soldiers, nor next generation plasma rifles, but a technology that has been present in conflict for over 100 years: drones. Despite the layman first having perhaps heard the term ‘drones’ in the 2000s, they first came onto the scene during WW1 where A. M. Low, now dubbed ‘the father of radio guidance systems’, helped develop the first pilotless aircraft – a creation that would go on to further inspire development into what we now deem an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). Due to technological innovations, the use of drones in conflicts has increased – with their first large scale deployment being the Vietnam war in a largely reconnaissance capacity. As time went on, offensive capabilities began to be added, and now drones alone are beginning to change the tides of conflicts, with the devices credited with being the key component in Armenia’s defeat in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War in 2020.


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