ES Design June 2023



high level of security and total interoper- ability for Cloud service operators using the Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP) format. Although not yet widely adopted in the US, OCPP is an important application protocol for communications between an EVCS and a central management system. Other features of the DCBM 400/600 include a datalink cable available in sizes of 30cm to 3.5m, a range of operation of 150V DC to 1000V DC, robust wide current terminals compliant with busbars, auxiliary power supply range of +12V DC to +48V DC, DIN rail 35mm and screw mounting, and an IP20-rated casing. Although it’s good news that products like LEM’s DCBM 400/600 will go a long way to increasing the take-up of electric vehicles by improving access to rapid charging devices, the market needs to make substantial efforts to ensure growth in this sector does not trail off after seven years of expansion. Deloitte says in its analysis of the EV market: “Beyond 2030, one of the key factors in sustaining growth will be the implementation of suitable charging infrastructure.” LEM understands this and is working closely with EVCS manufacturers to make sure the foot will not be taken off the accelerator when progress is needed most.

– where the product has Module B and D certification – no issues have been reported. Indeed, customers have reported how the device’s two-piece architecture makes rapid installation straightforward, even when retrofitting on to existing electric vehicle charging stations. Integration is made easy, they say, by the meter’s genuine plug-and-play design. Easy to deploy and integrate The DCBM 400/600 is certainly a product for the 21st century, with future connectivity built in thanks to its Ethernet communication capability. Supporting the HTTP/REST protocol and Network Time Protocol (NTP) time synchronisation makes it easy to deploy and integrate the meter into a wide range of charging stations. Long-term application is also enabled through the DCBM 400/600 being bi-directional, which ensures compatibility to V2G (vehicle-to-grid) and V2X (vehi- cle-to-everything) under the ISO 15118 standard. As well as delivering total transparency of billing data for users, LEM’s EVCS meter integrates the signed billing data sets according to the Open Charge Metering Format (OCMF) protocol. OCMF enables billing data to be handled with an extremely


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